Relationship Coaching

Learn to find and maintain the best relationship for you through relationship coaching!!


What is relationship coaching?

Relationship coaching is a professional client centered service that offers clients that are looking for healthy tools and approaches to strengthening and obtaining healthy relationships to identify any obstacles that may be interfering with them achieving their relationship goals. Through Relationship Counseling, you will work with your coach to formulate and integrate a healthy plan to set and achieve relationship goals.

Relationship Coaching can be beneficial for

It is important to note the differences between therapy and coaching. Your initial consult will determine if therapy or coaching will be more beneficial to your individual circumstance. Please note that relationship coaching is not an area that is covered by insurance.

Therapy Coaching
Assumes the client needs healing
Assumes the client is whole
Roots in medicine, psychiatry
Roots in sports, business, personal growth venues
Works with people to achieve self-understanding and emotional healing
Works to move people to a higher level of functioning
Focuses on feelings and past events
Focuses on actions and the future
Explores the root of problems
Focuses on solving problems
Works to bring the unconscious into consciousness
Works with the conscious mind
Works for internal resolution of pain and to let go of old patterns
Works for external solutions to overcome barriers, learn new skills and implement effective choices

Adapted from Hayden and Whitworth, 1995