

Hypnosis occurs when a person is in a very deep state of relaxation that allows the subconscious mind to be open to suggestion. Hypnotherapy utilizes the state of hypnosis to guide individuals through the use of positive suggestions to create positive change and eliminate problematic thoughts and/or behaviors.

What Can Hypnotherapy Be Used For?

Weight Loss
Weight Loss
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Insomnia/Sleep Disorders
Insomnia/Sleep Disorders
Smoking Cessation
Smoking Cessation
Stress Management
Stress Management
And Much More
And Much More

Hypnotherapy is EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT!!

The beauty of hypnotherapy is that it’s effective and it works quickly. Fears can be overcome in one session. Smokers typically quit after one or two sessions. A survey of psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. revealed the following recovery rates:

Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions

Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions

Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions

(Source: American Health Magazine)

Fact: A person is totally awake during hypnosis.
Fact: A person in a hypnotic state does not know what is going on around him / her. He /She has totally tuned out the surroundings. The person does have his /her eyes closed.
Fact: An ethical Hypnotherapist wouldn’t ask a person to do these things to begin with. A person will reject any suggestion that is contrary to his or her morals or survival.
Fact: A person cannot get stuck in hypnosis. You go through a semi-hypnotic state every time you wake up and fall asleep. You simply open your eyes.
Fact: The client hypnotizes him-/herself. The hypnotist just guides the client through it.
Fact: The person maintains total control.
Fact: We experience hypnotic state, to some degree, every day.
Fact: No evidence of this whatsoever. Many ministers and priests use hypnotherapy.